How to Know When You Are Ovulating

Knowing when you are ovulating may seem tricky to track, but it’s absolutely doable!

In your body, there are three signs that you are ovulating or fertile and they are identified through basal body temperature, cervical fluid, and cervix position (optional to check, but if you understand it then it definitely helps).

how to know when you are ovulating

Basal Body Temperature

How do you know if your basal body temperature (BBT) has changed? Tracking it over a time will show you patterns in your temperature (i.e. when it’s higher, when it’s lower). Typically, before ovulation occurs your BBT is consistent. When you get closer to ovulation, you may see a decrease in temperature followed by a sharp increase after ovulation.

Cervical Fluid

Cervical fluid (mucus) is unique in every woman, though mostly is considered to resemble an “egg white” consistency. Usually the day in which you have the most fluid is the day in which are you ovulating.

Cervix Position

Can your cervix change positions? Absolutely it can. The cervix, during ovulation, will be soft, high, open, + wet (SHOW). The best way to tell the difference between the position + firmness it has during ovulation vs. when you are not ovulating? Touch it – seriously, get intimate with it!

When Should I Start Tracking Ovulation?

The best time to track your ovulation cycle is right after your menstrual cycle. From there, you will need to consistently track your BBT, cervical fluid, +/or cervical position for approximately three months before you will become familiar with your pattern.

Hire a Doula

If trying to figure out how to know when you are ovulating seems to be too much (read: overwhelming), remember you can hire a doula to help you sift through your thoughts, navigate your way through information, + support you in your decisions!

What is a doula? Learn more here.


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Source: “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” by Toni Weschler