Virtual Doula Support at Your Fingertips!

Specifically crafted for those who would like virtual doula coaching + support on the following topics:

  • fertility + conception
  • pregnancy + birth
  • postpartum + parenthood

Though I am a doula in Greensboro, NC, you DO NOT have to reside in Greensboro or the surrounding area to take advantage of these services.

Virtual Doula Coaching

Got questions for a doula?

If you’ve got a question about:

  • Fertility + Conception
  • Pregnancy + Birth
  • 4th Trimester
  • Breastfeeding
  • Baby Led Weaning
  • Newborn Care

then this option is for you! This service includes email support only + is limited to one question per email exchange.

Email Consultation

I’d like to video chat with a doula!

Sometimes a good face-to-face chat is what you need to get your questions answered + put your mind at ease!

This service includes 60 mins of video chat support + no question is TMI!

Video chat will require an appointment time + will be administered through Skype or Google+.

Video Consultation

I need help creating my birth goals + postpartum plan.

Do you know what you want your birth moments to look like? Do you have a plan for what will happen after the baby arrives? Have you sorted out time for you?

I’ll help you create a plan of action for your birth and/or 4th trimester so that you can focus on you, your family + the new baby without unnecessary distractions!

  • Video chat to discuss your birth + postpartum preferences, needs, and desires (90 mins)
  • Birth education as needed to help you make informed decisions
  • Assistance in creating your birth plan and/or postpartum plan

Birth + Postpartum Planning

Fertility Doula Support

Click here to learn more about this service.

Virtual Birth Doula Support Package

Click here to learn more about this service.

Parenthood + Postpartum Support Package

Book me for virtual postpartum assistance now!


Please type "n/a" if not applicable.


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